Loyalty Schemes: Retail Trends in Fashion

Retail trends in 2019 will centre around strategies for maintaining customer loyalty. 

Customers are growing increasingly time-poor with an astonishing amount of choice, wanting real, instant and obvious value when shopping with fashion retailers. This retail trends report reveals a deep-dive into the current loyalty scheme offering in fashion, and an insight into what really encourages repeat purchases in customers.

Download this free research and discover:

  • What consumers expect from fashion retailers in terms of loyalty schemes?
  • Do different generations want different types of schemes?
  • How some retail trends in loyalty schemes may lead to repeat purchase

Consumer survey data provided by  and Cybertill

“Retailers may think that customers want gimmicky retail trends such as VIP events, launch parties or masterclasses to keep them coming back to shop, but it’s really much simpler than that. Customers just want value for money.”

Ian Tomlinson, CEO, Cybertill

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