EPoS and retail management for hospices

Embracing the latest technology to make hospice retailers become omnichannel.

Hospice retail is innovative and forward thinking. Often geographically restricted, one hospice tends to cover a fixed area as a relatively small operation, providing them with a greater ability to push retail and technological boundaries, trialling innovative ideas ahead of larger, national charities.

This 20-page e-Book looks at;

  1. An overview of the charity retail industry
  2. How Cybertill has helped shape hospice retail
  3. CharityStories from Cybertill customers, Ashgate Hospicecare, Lindsey Lodge, St Elizabeth Hospice and Wakefield Hospice
  4. Tips for increasing revenue

“If charities truly want to improve customer experience they must adapt to the changing landscape.”

Graham Richardson, Director of Retail, Ashgate Hospicecare

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