If you’re planning on moving your ecommerce website to Magento 2 then this quick guide is for you.

Top 5 benefits of moving to a Magento 2 ecommerce website:
  1. Improved performance and scalability
  2. User friendly and easy to use
  3. Improved customer experience
  4. Increased conversion rates = more sales
  5. Decreased abandon basket rates = more sales

Improved performance and scalability

Fast loading speeds of a Magento 2 website means that your customers will experience an enhanced shopping experience, which will ultimately improve conversion rates.

“For every second it takes your website to load, you’re going to lose revenue.”

Neil Patel, Co-founder of NP Digital and top web influencer, nealpatel.com

48% of global online traffic comes from mobile devices (Statista) which is why having a responsive ecommerce website is important to your retail operation. Having a Magento 2 website will make your ecommerce site fully responsive, meaning its mobile-friendly, which is great for customers, it lets people find you when searching on Google and the conversion rate through mobile can be significantly improved.

Advanced reporting and analytics make your ecommerce website work for you.

User-friendly and easy to use – for you and your shoppers.

Imagine shopping online and being taken through what feels like hundreds of pages to get through the checkout – frustrating. With a Magento 2 website, the checkout process is much quicker and easier, streamlined to a two-page process which increases conversion rate and decreases abandon basket rate.

A Magento 2 website also allows for a simplified registration process, letting your customers register an account after checkout rather than beforehand, improving the conversion rate.

Magento 2 has an improved admin interface for you and your staff to navigate through, with full instructions and a ‘how-to’ guiding you through the website builder, which makes it easy to update and manage, reducing your admin time.

Plus, integrating RetailStore into Magento 2 means that you only need to list items once and they are automatically added to your ecommerce website.

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Improved customer experience

Make your customer’s online experience easy by letting them add products directly to their basket from the home page, which is proven to not only speed up the shopping process but increase those all-important conversions.

Filtering is made easy for your customers, improving the usability of the website. Users can filter by size, colour, type and more, plus when a user hovers over a product, colour options are highlighted.

If you prefer to offer customers lazy loading over scrolling and clicking through pages then you can, meaning users can see all products on the one page.

With an improved faceted search, customers will be able to use a multiple search filter, which only shows products that suit the searcher’s needs, reducing the frustration of bad search experience and showing non-relevant products. Again, perfect for increasing conversions.

Plus, on the admin side, there is a dashboard which lets you see the latest searches people have completed on the website (on-site search) so you can track most popular searches and make decisions based on what people are searching for.

Helping you to sell more

Magento 2 lets you customise product tabs, letting you cross and upsell, which enhances the user shopping experience and increases order value potential. It also makes provisions for stock availability, discounts, free gifts and vouchers.

Magento 2 integrates with PayPal and Braintree by default with options for Apple / Google Pay, Klarna, Opayo (Sage Pay) and World Pay, meaning you can let customers choose their preferred payment method, improving their experience and gaining more sales.

The ability to view abandon basket rate in the admin panel means targeted and GDPR compliant marketing communications can be sent to customers, encouraging them to complete their purchases.

Want to find out more about Magento 2?

Download your free copy of the Magento 2 website features list.

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